Open Thread: March 3, 2024

The Open Thread/Daily Merengue is a place where you can discuss anything and everything related to football. Feel free to discuss the topics presented here, or start your very own discussions! The Open thread will be posted every day by one of the mods you’d love to do an horror movie night with: Valyrian Steel, Felipejack, Kung_Fu_Zizou (AKA KFZ), Juninho and, of course… yours truly.

Yet Another … Eventful Night at the Mestalla

It’s pretty much a sure thing, these days, that Real Madrid are going to struggle at the Mestalla and that the game will be remembered mostly for some controversy or bad behavior. Well, this one was not so different. Real Madrid played a bad first half and allowed Valencia to get a two-goal lead. As it so often happens, the “Curse of the Ex” stroke back, with Hugo Duro scoring the opener. Vini stepped up big time and helped the team back into the game, which should be highlighted for everyone. But… the referee had plans to make the night fairly memorable. A Real Madrid attacking sequence just outside the box was interrupted by the full-time whistle just as the cross was being made… a cross Real Madrid scored from. Let’s just say that it didn’t go down so well…

Whether it Be a Good Night or a Bad Night…

Jude still gets to show his class. Let’s hope the boyz won’t be too affected by this incident.

Happy Birthday to the Ace

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