Mrs Hinch fans say £1 solution cleans washing machine drawers in 30 mins

Washing machines are used every day in some households so it’s easy to see why the popular appliances can quickly become built up with mould and limescale.

If your washing machine has an unpleasant odour or there’s black, slimy residue around the door seal and in the detergent drawer then your machine likely needs a thorough clean.

One area of the washing machine that’s particularly prone to dirt and grime is the washing machine drawer. The drawer is usually where detergents, fabric softeners and stain removers are placed before putting a load on.

Washing machine drawers can quickly become laden with black mould and mildew due to a lack of airflow and moisture.

With this in mind, fans of cleaning sensation and influencer Mrs Hinch, also known as Sophie Hinchliffe, have shared how to clean washing machine drawers using white vinegar and baking soda.

Nancy Morrison posted on the Facebook group, ‘Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips’: “Drawer from [my] washing machine. Never ever been as bad as this. Think laundry liquid is to blame. Tried Elbow Grease which hasn’t worked. Any thoughts?”

Nancy shared a photo of her washing machine drawer which was covered in black mould. Her post received more than 140 comments from fellow cleaning enthusiasts with white vinegar and baking soda being the most suggested solutions.

Thelma Carthy posted: “Bicarbonate of soda, white vinegar and a dishwasher tablet to clean the washer. Put it in the drum.”

Elizabeth Edwards replied: “I use white vinegar in the conditioner compartment now and again and it keeps the tray lovely and clean, conditioner clogs it all up.”

Sandra Glennon commented: “Remove the drawer and put it in the sink. Add bicarbonate of soda then add lemon juice or white vinegar.

“Leave it to fizz and when the chemical reaction has stopped add boiling water and soak. After half an hour scrub with a scourer and Flash Bleach!”

Sue Lynch suggested: “Take out and soak in hot water and washing up liquid and for the inside of the drawer spray vinegar and scrub with an old toothbrush.”

Charisa Hann replied: “Soak it in vinegar and bicarbonate of soda mixed in hot water.”

Bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar can be found at the back of most cupboards and in most local supermarkets from as little as 59p and 35p respectively, which is less than £1.

Other suggestions from Mrs Hinch fans for cleaning washing machine drawers included using bleach, antibacterial spray and Astonish Mould and Mildew Blaster.

Jan Budd commented: “I put mine in the dishwasher weekly.” Pam Pearce wrote: “Bleach every time.”

Vanessa Weston suggested: “Astonish Mould and Mildew Blaster. I did mine yesterday it’s brilliant stuff.”

Debbie Martin replied: “I use antibacterial spray and a sonic brush. [It] works a treat on mine.”

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