Monty Don shares what to plant now for a perfect display come spring

Taking to his monthly gardening blog, Monty Don posted his first entry of the year sharing what needs to be done in the garden.

One task the gardening expert claimed that it’s not too late for, is planting tulips in the ground.

Ideally, gardeners want to be planting tulips in autumn, when the ground is still soft and workable. However, it is still okay to plant them this month.

After the first frost, gardeners might assume that their bulb-planting days are over. But as long as the ground is workable, they can plant bulbs.

This means that gardeners can plant bulbs as late as January – if they can dig a hole deep enough to plant them.

The 68-year-old said: “It is not too late to plant tulips – but you really do need to get on with it.”

While tulips planted now “might flower a little later than those planted in November”, they will still “make a perfectly good display”, according to Monty. 

For those who want their tulips to grow in the ground, the bulbs need to be planted as deeply as possible – at least four inches. 

But for those who just want a “good show this year”, they can be popped an inch or two in the topsoil and will be fine for this spring.

When planting in a container, the expert urged: “Make sure that they have good drainage because although they are completely hardy to cold, the biggest enemy is rotting in damp soil.”

Monty claimed that this is a job to do by the middle of the month “at the latest”.

If gardeners have the time, they can improve their chances of bulbs blooming early and robustly by covering them in plastic and chilling them in the fridge until they sprout. However, this process can take up to three months.

Another thing Monty suggests planting this month is chillies. He said: “Chilies are always the first seeds that I sow in the new year.

“I tend to sow them in seed trays rather than plugs and then transplant them to plugs as soon as the seedlings develop true leaves, potting them on again in March and then to their final terracotta pots in May.”

The gardening pot noted that the “secret of successful chilli growing” is to allow each plant as much time and opportunity to become big and bushy.

He recommends feeding it weekly with a high-nitrogen fertiliser. Monty said: “I use homemade liquid nettle feed until the first flower buds start to appear in June and then switch to a high potash feed to stimulate as many flowers and subsequent fruits as possible on what by now should be a large plant.”

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