Law School Experience: Gujarat National Law University

Disclaimer: Law School Experiences are the personal opinions of a particular student about their college. These pieces are NOT Lawctopus’ official take on the law school.

Name of the student

Dev Shroff

Full name of your college

Gujarat National Law University

State/UT of your college


Tell us a few good things about your law college.

My law college boasts a myriad of commendable features that make it truly exceptional. To begin with, the college takes pride in its outstanding placement record, ensuring that students are presented with remarkable career opportunities upon graduation.

This commitment to securing their futures underscores the institution’s dedication to its students’ success. Moreover, the fact that a significant portion of the administrative and teaching staff converse in my mother tongue, Gujarati, fosters a comfortable and conducive learning environment. This linguistic alignment not only aids in better comprehension but also creates a sense of belonging.

The college strikes a harmonious balance between academic pursuits and extracurricular activities, recognizing the importance of holistic development. This enables students to not only excel in their studies but also to explore their interests outside the classroom. The inclusion of engaging and enjoyable law subjects in the curriculum adds an element of excitement to learning, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Finally, the sprawling and picturesque campus serves as an inspiring backdrop to the academic journey, creating a serene atmosphere that encourages learning and growth. All these aspects combined make my law college an institution of excellence that nurtures both academic accomplishments and personal development.

Mention a few bad things about your law college.

While my law college certainly has its strengths, it’s important to acknowledge a few areas where improvements could be made.

Firstly, there have been instances where the administrative department has taken some time to respond to student grievances, causing delays in addressing important concerns. Additionally, the quality of the mess food leaves something to be desired, as not all students find it suited to their tastes or dietary preferences.

Moreover, the absence of air conditioning in the hostel rooms can be uncomfortable, especially during hot weather. However, it’s worth noting that these drawbacks are overshadowed by the numerous positive aspects of the college.

The strong placement record, linguistic comfort with staff, balanced approach to academics and extracurriculars, engaging law subjects, and the campus’ scenic beauty collectively create an enriching and fulfilling educational experience.

How has your experience in law college been till now?

Well, let me tell you, my journey through law college has been nothing short of an adventure-filled roller coaster ride!

From diving headfirst into uncharted waters to trying out sports I didn’t even know existed (I’m convinced I invented a few new ones by accident), my college experience has been wonderfully chaotic. Anchoring events boosted my confidence to the point that I now introduce myself to theme music wherever I go.

I’ve managed to master the art of juggling more roles than a Shakespearean actor—from being an international table tennis whiz to acing my studies and even joining the keyboard symphony while deciphering the secrets of becoming a company secretary.

I was part of so many organising committees that I think I’ve started believing I’m the ‘committee whisperer.’ College fests? Oh, I didn’t attend them; I practically headlined them (or at least that’s what I keep telling my room mirror).

So, yes, my studies remained a priority, but so did my quest to prove that sleep is optional. All in all, if law college were a circus, I’d be the multitasking clown juggling statutes, sports, and sarcasm in equal measure!

How’s the faculty?

The faculty at my law college is truly remarkable. They approach teaching with dedication and diligence, particularly when it comes to the intricate world of law subjects. While there might be a few exceptions, the majority of the professors are certainly up to the mark.

Their expertise and commitment shine through in their lectures and interactions with students, fostering a conducive learning environment. Their guidance ensures that we receive a comprehensive education that equips us with the complexities of the legal field.

Rated: 4/5

How’s the infrastructure (except for hostels)?

The infrastructure at my law college is truly impressive, offering a wide range of facilities that cater to diverse interests and needs. For sports enthusiasts, the college boasts extensive facilities, including a cricket field, a football field, an indoor arena, and even a volleyball court, providing ample space for students to stay active and engaged.

The pride of the campus is its sprawling library, which is the largest among all the National Law Universities, offering a treasure trove of resources for both academic and personal growth. The moot rooms are designed to simulate real-world legal scenarios, allowing students to hone their advocacy skills in a practical setting. The presence of mess and night mess facilities ensures that students’ gastronomic needs are well taken care of at all hours.

Separate hostels for boys and girls offer a sense of security and convenience. The administrative block stands as a testament to the institution’s organisational efficiency and commitment to excellence. All in all, the college’s infrastructure creates an environment that promotes holistic development and enriches academic pursuits.

Rated: 4/5

How’s your hostel experience?

Ah, the hostel life—it started as a bit of a weather rollercoaster. In the summer, I was living in a portable sauna, and come winter, I could have given polar bears a run for their money in the insulation department.

It was like my room had mood swings—hot and bothered one moment, and then cold and standoffish the next. And let’s not even get started on the common bathrooms. I became a bathroom ninja, timing my visits with military precision to avoid the morning rush. But hey, over time, I guess I got accustomed to this ‘extreme temperature emotional training.’

And amidst all the temperature drama, there was some order—the infrastructure was surprisingly adequate, and the regular cleaning gave my room a sense of cleanliness that I can only compare to a freshly laundered judge’s robe. So yes, hostel life threw me into the ring with the elements, but I emerged battle-hardened and with a newfound appreciation for thermostats and bathroom schedules!

Rated: 3/5

How are your peers?

My peers are an incredible bunch—a supportive and friendly community that’s like having a personalized squad of legal superheroes. The best part? No capes are required. From day one, I realized that the era of menacing ragging was nowhere to be found—just a bunch of fellow students who were more interested in camaraderie than causing chaos.

Need help with notes? No problem. Confused about a concept? They’ve got my back. Whether it’s a quick chat in the hallway or a full-blown study session, they’re always approachable and willing to share their knowledge. The bond we share is stronger than a contract written in titanium—a mutual understanding that we’re all in this together, ready to lend a hand and an ear whenever needed. So yeah, my peers are basically my legal family, and I’m lucky to have a team that’s got my legal six any day of the week.

Rated: 5/5

How are the placements at your law college?

The placement scenario at my law college is truly promising and diverse. A significant number of the top rankers secure placements in renowned Tier 1 law firms, which is a testament to the quality of education and training we receive. However, the spectrum of opportunities doesn’t end there. Many of my peers opt for in-house counsel roles, carving out a niche within corporate entities.

A considerable portion also pursue careers in litigation, embracing the courtroom with determination. Some choose the path of the judiciary, aiming to contribute to the legal system from the bench. It’s not just about law firms and courtrooms, though.

A considerable portion of students are gearing up for various professional exams like UPSC, CA, and CS, showcasing the versatility of our education. With a commendable placement rate of almost 50% every year, it’s evident that the college is dedicated to fostering well-rounded legal professionals who can shine across a wide array of legal avenues.

Rated: 5/5

How are the co-curricular activities at your law college?

The co-curricular activities at my law college are an embodiment of variety and vibrancy. From cultural extravaganzas that showcase our creative sides to academic pursuits that challenge our intellect, and even sporty endeavours that keep us active and engaged—you name it, we’ve got it covered. It’s like a buffet of opportunities, and trust me, we’re all grabbing our plates and digging in.

The college is a hub of committees, clubs, and research centres that cater to a wide range of interests. Whether you’re inclined towards debating, environmental awareness, legal aid, or just about anything else under the sun, there’s a place for you to flourish.

Our co-curricular activities are not just on paper; they’re pulsating with life and energy. It’s like a bustling carnival of knowledge, creativity, and teamwork that ensures there’s never a dull moment on campus. In short, we’re not just learning the law; we’re living it in every way possible.

Rated: 5/5

What are some of the things you’d advise a first-year student who enters your college?

Welcome aboard, future legal eagle! First things first, take a deep breath and remind yourself that it’s okay to feel a tad overwhelmed initially. Trust me, everyone’s been there. The journey might seem like a steep mountain at the start, but you’ll soon find your rhythm and soar.

Embrace the experience with an open mind; there’s a world of exciting opportunities waiting for you. From the classroom to the sports field, cultural events to committees, there’s a whole universe to explore. And here’s a little secret: the friendships you’ll forge here will be like legal bonds—unbreakable and full of support.

Remember, when the going gets tough (and it will), reach out for help—whether from peers, faculty, or even yours truly. We’re all in this together, and your journey is about to be an incredible one. Strap in and get ready to write your legal saga!

Is there anything else you’d like to mention?

Join GNLU; it will all be worth it in the end!

This Law School Experience was submitted by Dev Shroff, a 3rd-year student of Gandhinagar National Law University, through Priti Kumari (Lawctopus’ Campus Leader)

Disclaimer: Law School Experiences are opinions shared by individual law students and tend to be personal and subjective in nature. The law school experiences shared on Lawctopus are NOT Lawctopus’ official views on the law school. We also do not edit law school experiences (except to ensure readability) to ensure that the author’s voice remains intact.

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