How to prune all types of roses so they ‘flower vigorously’ every year

According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), pruning roses ensures they grow well every single year.

1. Shrub roses

Most shrub roses require only light pruning, but this does depend on the variety.

Shrub roses are a large and diverse group of roses, usually larger than modern roses and have thornier stems.

They may repeat flower or flower only once in summer, but they make for excellent hedging in the garden.

They can be pruned during late winter when growth is just resuming, which is usually mid-February if you live in the south of the UK.

If you live in the north of the UK, it is best to wait until March to begin pruning the plant.

The RHS said: “Unlike modern bush roses, shrub roses generally flower on older wood and should be allowed to develop naturally, maintained by light but regular pruning and with a balance of older wood and young, vigorous growth.

“Bear in mind that many old garden roses have an arching habit and need adequate space, shortening stems simply to restrict spread spoils their graceful shape.”

2. Climbing roses

Climbers are routinely pruned in winter, after the flowers have faded, between December and February.

The RHS noted: “Long whippy shoots can be shortened or tied in during autumn, to prevent strong winds from damaging them.

“Renovation can be carried out anytime between late autumn and late winter.

“It is easier to see what you are doing when the rose is not in leaf, plus there is a better response from the rose, which should grow back vigorously the following spring.”

Remove all dead, diseased and dying branches before tying in any new shoots and pruning any flowered side shoots back by two-thirds of their length.

If the plant is heavily congested, cut out any really old branches from the base to promote new growth.

3. Rambling roses

It can be hard to distinguish between a climbing rose and a rambling rose, but the easiest way is to take note of the flowering time.

A climbing rose will repeat-flower every summer, while a rambling rose only flowers once, in June.

Deadheading can be done regularly to help promote new flowering.

To prune ramblers, remove all dead, diseased and dying weak shoots before cutting back some of the old woodby branches.

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