How to grow bigger and better hydrangeas and roses – hydrangeas even turn blue

Hydrangeas and roses provide massive bursts of beautiful blooms, but gardeners only see this if they take note of the plants’ needs. 

Fertilising is essential for caring for hydrangea and rose plants, ensuring they receive the nutrients they need to produce those stunning blossoms many adore.

While a wide range of fertilisers on the market cater for hydrangeas and roses specifically, one household scrap item has caught the attention of many gardeners – coffee grounds.

According to many gardening enthusiasts coffee grounds can help to improve your hydrangea and rose blooms.

Unsure of what type of coffee can be used on hydrangeas and roses, Luci Nunes took to the Gardening Hints and Tips Facebook page to get some clarity.

She said: “Hi can anyone clear a doubt for me please? Someone has said to use coffee grounds to get nice blooms from hydrangeas and roses and to get blue hydrangeas. Can I use instant coffee granules?”

Group members in the comments were quick to respond with their opinion with most of them saying no.

Eileen Austin wrote: “No. It needs to be ground coffee. A lot of coffee shops give away the spent grounds, but not all.”

Clare Wilson commented: “I use finished Tassimo pods and Dolce Gusto pods to keep getting bigger and better blooms from roses and hydrangeas. It keeps slugs and snails away from my plants too.

“I empty them all into a container then yes just sprinkle around the base of plants. But until they dry out don’t put a lid on the container or they go mouldy.”

Karen Davis wrote: “Only add used coffee grounds to your plants. I found that they turned my pink hydrangeas blue. I love it.”

Coffee grounds are rich in minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium, according to the experts at PlantIn. 

Phosphorus and potassium improve yields, and nitrogen is involved in photosynthesis, which helps plants “grow faster”.

Coffee grounds also have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which give nutrients to plants.

Fresh coffee grounds that have not been used for brewing coffee are more acidic so they are not suitable.

Coffee tends to be slightly acidic and is therefore good for acid-loving plants such as hydrangeas, as well as nutrient-hungry plants like roses. Still, gardeners should use it only in moderation on any one plant.

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