Government Allocates Rs 1,170 Crore For Ladakh Roads: Gadkari


In a significant move towards enhancing infrastructure in Ladakh, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari announced that the government has sanctioned a whopping Rs 1,170.16 crore for 29 road projects in the region. This development aims to address the connectivity challenges faced by Ladakh, the largest Union Territory in terms of area and the second least populous in the country.

Funding Breakdown: Rs 1,170.16 Crore for Roads and Rs 181.71 Crore for Bridges

Gadkari shared the details of the allocation in a post on the social media platform X, highlighting that the sanctioned funds cover a range of projects, including state highways and other major roads. Moreover, as part of the Central Road and Infrastructure Fund (CRIF) scheme for the fiscal year 2023-24, an additional Rs 181.71 crore has been earmarked specifically for the construction of eight bridges in Ladakh.

Improved Connectivity for Remote Villages

One of the primary objectives of these initiatives is to improve connectivity to Ladakh’s remote villages. Gadkari emphasized that the approved projects are expected to bring about a transformative change by linking isolated areas, thus fostering socio-economic development in the region.

Stimulating Economic Activities in Agriculture and Tourism

The infusion of funds into road projects is anticipated to stimulate economic activities, with a particular focus on sectors like agriculture and tourism. Ladakh, known for its breathtaking landscapes and unique culture, stands to benefit from increased accessibility, potentially attracting more tourists. The improved road network is also set to facilitate the transportation of agricultural products, giving a significant boost to the local economy.

Contributing to Overall Infrastructural Development

Gadkari underscored the broader implications of the road projects, stating that the enhanced connectivity would contribute significantly to the overall infrastructural development of Ladakh. The government’s commitment to investing in roads and bridges reflects a strategic vision to bolster the region’s connectivity and bring it on par with other developed areas of the country.

Paving the Way for Ladakh’s Prosperity

As Ladakh looks forward to a brighter and more connected future, the allocation of Rs 1,170.16 crore for 29 road projects signals a proactive approach by the government to address the unique challenges faced by the region. The envisioned improvement in connectivity is not merely about roads and bridges; it is a pathway to unlocking Ladakh’s full potential, fostering economic growth, and ensuring that its rich cultural and natural heritage is accessible to all.

Important Questions Related to Exams

Q1. Under which scheme are eight bridges in Ladakh funded for the fiscal year 2023-24?
A) National Highway Development Program (NHDP)
B) Central Road and Infrastructure Fund (CRIF)
C) Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF)

Q2. What is the primary focus of the road projects in Ladakh?
A) Industrial development
B) Connectivity to remote villages
C) Urban housing projects

Q3. Which sector is expected to benefit significantly from the improved road connectivity in Ladakh?
A) Information Technology
B) Agriculture and Tourism
C) Healthcare

Please provide your answers in the comments section.



Government Allocates Rs 1,170 Crore For Ladakh Roads: Gadkari_50.1

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