Daily Thread: 14 Dec 2023

Bienvenido al Juninho Edition de The Daily Merengue — a place where you can feel free to discuss all things football. Do not be alarmed by the overt RMCF bias. It’s in the name!

Shoutout to the moderators who do a fantastic job, Valyrian Steel, KungFuZizou, NeRObutBlanco, Felipejack, and LONG LIVE Juninho!!!


Potential New Opponents

Now that the CL group standings is finished Real Madrid will await their next challenged in the R16. IMO most of these rivals are pretty manageable (yes, even PSG who have looked pretty awful all season). But anything can happen in a two leg affair.

Almost Back

We are almost there…the injured players are in the process of returning. Real Madrid is healing. Let’s pray that we can remain healthy going forward with this new medical staff.

A Bit Of Randomness

Slow news day so here is a random collection of Madrid-related pics.

— Juninho

“Until Next Time”

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