Clean ‘extremely messy’ room in 10 minutes using genius hack

Your bedroom can become one of the most daunting rooms in your home to clean when you don’t have a system in place. Facing this problem, an individual with a messy room took to advice platform Reddit to figure out how to tame the mess in their bedroom and get it in order, as well as how to prevent it from ever getting that bad again.

In their Reddit post they wrote: “Please help! My room is just so extremely messy and I don’t even know where to start or how to keep it from getting like this again!

With a word of advice, a fellow Redditor said: “First take a deep breath. It didn’t get this way in a day so it may take a bit to get it tidy.”

They detailed step by step how to get an extremely messy room clean quickly.

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Seconding this advice, another Reddit user wrote: “This is the practical advice. Once everything you’re keeping has a home and is in its place it is much easier to deep clean and organize. Until then your just cleaning up the mess.”

Another added: “This is the best way to start! Once it is clean, you can then make sure everything has a place & tidy up every day.”

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