Boeing’s Starliner Overcomes Malfunctioning Thrusters to Dock at Space Station

There were glitches with its propulsion system, but Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft and the two NASA astronauts it carried successfully docked at the International Space Station on Thursday afternoon. The docking, at 1:34 p.m. Eastern time, was more than an hour later than planned, after the troubleshooting of several malfunctioning thrusters. Starliner’s arrival came one day…

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What Is MDMA Therapy for PTSD? And What Are Its Risks?

The Food and Drug Administration is weighing whether to approve the use of MDMA, also known as Ecstasy, for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. But the agency’s independent advisory panel of experts reviewed studies on June 4, and overwhelmingly decided against endorsing the treatment. Although not required, the F.D.A. often follows the recommendations of its…

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FDA Panel Rejects Use of MDMA for Treatment of PTSD

An independent advisory panel of the Food and Drug Administration rejected the use of MDMA-assisted therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder on Tuesday, highlighting the unparalleled regulatory challenges of a novel therapy using the drug commonly known as Ecstasy. Before the vote, members of the panel raised concerns about the designs of the two studies submitted…

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OPEC Plans a Gradual Unwinding of Production Cuts

When officials from major oil-producing countries met on Sunday, they had a tricky task before them: To reassure shaky markets that they would continue to restrain oil supplies. The group known as OPEC Plus, which is led by Saudi Arabia and includes Russia, also wanted to offer some hope to discontented producers like the United…

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