
Ovo su najbolji mobiteli u 2023. godini

Pri kreiranju rubrike Index Shopping nastojimo izdvajati odlične proizvode koji se i nama sviđaju te odlične akcije i popuste. Ne objavljujemo proizvode koje i sami ne bismo kupili ili smatramo da njihova promocija nije u skladu s profesionalnim standardima. Neki proizvodi u rubrici Index Shopping mogu biti sponzorirani. BILA je ovo uzbudljiva godina kada su…

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Good form: 03 December 2023

The Daily Merengue is a place where you can feel free to discuss all things football. Do not be alarmed by the overt RMCF bias. It’s in the name! Shoutout to the mods who do a fantastic job, Valyrian Steel, Kung_Fu_Zizou, Juninho, NeRObutBlanco and yours truly, Felipejack What a pass from Kroos! I couldn’t have…

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Buddhist legacy unfurls on Niushoushan

A photo taken on November 30, 2023, shows visitors at the Niushoushan Buddhist Cultural Park in Nanjing, Jiangsu. /CFP A photo taken on November 30, 2023, shows visitors at the Niushoushan Buddhist Cultural Park in Nanjing, Jiangsu. /CFP A photo taken on November 30, 2023, shows visitors at the Niushoushan Buddhist Cultural Park in Nanjing,…

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iDEX-DIO Marks 300th Contract For Gallium Nitride Semiconductor Development

  The Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX), the flagship initiative by the Department of Defence Production, has marked its 300th contract signing. The contract focuses on the design and development of advanced Gallium Nitride Semiconductors, crucial for the next generation of wireless transmitters in defence applications. Indigenous GaN Technology: A Paradigm Shift in Defence Capability…

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