
Zakoračite u pravu božićnu bajku: Ovo mjesto nalazi se 2 sata od Zagreba

Pri kreiranju rubrike Index Shopping nastojimo izdvajati odlične proizvode koji se i nama sviđaju te odlične akcije i popuste. Ne objavljujemo proizvode koje i sami ne bismo kupili ili smatramo da njihova promocija nije u skladu s profesionalnim standardima. Neki proizvodi u rubrici Index Shopping mogu biti sponzorirani. ALPSKA VASICA je maleno selo u Sloveniji,…

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Daily Thread: 05 December 2023

The Daily Merengue is a place where you can feel free to discuss all things football. Do not be alarmed by the overt RMCF bias. It’s in the name! Shoutout to the mods who do a fantastic job, Felipejack , Kung_Fu_Zizou, Juninho, NeRObutBlanco and yours truly, Valyrian Steel. Another big Injury blow. This one we…

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Qingdao stages folk shows to boost winter tourism

Artists perform a molten-iron throwing show during a torch festival in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, December 2, 2023. /CFP Artists perform a molten-iron throwing show during a torch festival in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, December 2, 2023. /CFP A series of folk activities are held at a torch festival in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, December…

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