5 awesome features of the Apple watch that have saved numerous lives

Apple’s has reported some really interesting findings in the latest edition of the Apple Heart and Movement Study. For example, people with higher cardio fitness tended to prioritize morning workouts, accounting for an average of 36 per cent of their exercise sessions

As February marks Heart Month, it’s an opportune time to delve into the Apple Watch’s robust features tailored for cardio health and fitness tracking. Renowned as one of the premier smartwatches available, the Apple Watch has gained widespread acclaim, particularly for its emphasis on cardiovascular well-being.

The latest Apple Heart and Movement Study, which was first published in 2019, has unveiled new insights into cardio fitness and activity trends over the past year. Spearheaded by researchers from Brigham & Women’s Hospital, these findings shed light on the following key areas:

  • Over half (54.8 per cent) of participants achieved the recommended weekly goal of 150 minutes or more of moderate aerobic activity, with the percentage increasing with age and slightly higher among males.
  • December 25th marked the least active day in 2023, whereas May 27th stood out as the most active day.
  • Individuals with higher cardio fitness levels engaged in over 15 minutes more daily activity compared to those with lower fitness levels.
  • Participants with higher cardio fitness tended to prioritise morning workouts, accounting for an average of 36 per cent of their exercise sessions, while those with lower fitness levels leaned towards evening workouts, comprising 28.5 per cent of their sessions.
  • Notably, 27 per cent of participants experienced a significant increase in cardio fitness by more than 1 mL/kg/min, while 33 per cent maintained their cardio fitness within a close range.

Dr Calum MacRae, M.D., PhD, a cardiologist and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and principal investigator of the Apple Heart and Movement Study said, “Understanding VO2 max across the life cycle will allow us to decipher the reasons why individual’s exercise capacities differ and how these differences relate to longer-term wellness and disease prevention.”

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“The ability to follow VO2 max longitudinally and correlate this with specific patterns of activity will allow us to tailor advice for the individual on the best ways to gain and maintain Cardio Fitness,” she added.

Cardio fitness holds paramount importance for obvious reasons, and the Apple Watch offers a suite of features to address these concerns. From personalized estimates of VO2 Max to monitoring heart rate variations and detecting irregular rhythms, here are five key functionalities to leverage for maintaining a healthy heart:

Cardio Fitness Tracking
The Apple Watch provides users with a personalized estimate of their VO2 Max, a vital health predictor endorsed by the American Heart Association. By tracking your VO2 Max and monitoring your progress over time, you can gain insights into your cardiovascular health and adjust your exercise regimen accordingly.

High and Low Heart Rate Notifications
With continuous heart rate monitoring, the Apple Watch alerts users to significant deviations from normal heart rate levels. Notifications are triggered for excessively high or low heart rates, signalling potential health concerns that require attention. Users have the flexibility to customize threshold values and manage notification preferences.

Irregular Rhythm Notifications
The watch periodically evaluates heart rhythm for irregular patterns indicative of conditions like atrial fibrillation (AFib). Early detection of AFib allows users to seek timely medical intervention, reducing the risk of complications such as heart failure or stroke.

The Apple Watch’s ECG app enables users experiencing symptoms like rapid or skipped heartbeats to capture an electrocardiogram (ECG) directly from their wrist. This feature leverages the watch’s built-in electrical heart sensor to record a single-lead ECG, providing valuable data for clinicians to evaluate and diagnose heart-related issues.

AFib History Tracking
Users with AFib can monitor the duration of irregular heart rhythms and track associated factors such as sleep patterns, exercise, and weight fluctuations. This feature offers valuable insights into the progression of AFib over time, empowering individuals to manage their condition more effectively and make informed lifestyle choices.

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