Will Billions More in New Aid Save Family Farms?

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has a line about the state of small-scale agriculture in America these days. It’s drawn from the National Agricultural Statistics Service, which shows that as the average size of farms has risen, the nation had lost 544,000 of them since 1981. “That’s every farm today that exists in North Dakota and…

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Learn in a Minute- Section 499 of the Indian Penal Code

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Definition and Essentials of Section 499 IPC Exceptions to Section 499 of IPC Differences between Defamation under Tort Law and Indian Penal Code Conclusion Introduction Defamation is a legal term that refers to harming another person’s reputation by making false statements. Section 499 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) specifically addresses…

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Osim zavidne linije, pažnju privlače i čizme: Za Irinom Shayk okretale su se glave

Pri kreiranju rubrike Index Shopping nastojimo izdvajati odlične proizvode koji se i nama sviđaju te odlične akcije i popuste. Ne objavljujemo proizvode koje i sami ne bismo kupili ili smatramo da njihova promocija nije u skladu s profesionalnim standardima. Neki proizvodi u rubrici Index Shopping mogu biti sponzorirani. IRINA SHAYK posljednjih dana posebno privlači pažnju….

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Lunin Will Travel To London Separately To Avoid Contagion

Lunin has been battling the flu for three consecutive days, missing crucial training sessions in the lead-up to the final. His condition has raised concerns within the team, prompting Real Madrid’s medical staff to take precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus among the squad. Due to the contagious nature of influenza B,…

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‘Masters of Music’ brings the original ‘Shakti’ violinist L. Shankar back to India

The old Shakti band – Vikku Vinayakram, John Maclaughlin, Zakir Hussain and L. Shankar. | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement Although violinist L. Shankar and ghatam maestro Vikku Vinayakram were associated with the 1970s Indo-jazz band Shakti, their partnership goes back many decades, when they used to perform Carnatic concerts. “In 1973, when I was in…

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