What are nitazenes? What to know about the drug that can be 10 times as potent as fentanyl

Colorado law enforcement warning about opioid recently showing up in overdose toxicology reports Colorado law enforcement warning about opioid recently showing up in overdose toxicology reports 01:13 A Colorado overdose death has been linked to a new formulation of nitazenes, a class of powerful opioid analgesics being increasingly seen in the illicit drug market.  Nitazenes…

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Pepco ima novu kolekciju za dom

Pri kreiranju rubrike Index Shopping nastojimo izdvajati odlične proizvode koji se i nama sviđaju te odlične akcije i popuste. Ne objavljujemo proizvode koje i sami ne bismo kupili ili smatramo da njihova promocija nije u skladu s profesionalnim standardima. Neki proizvodi u rubrici Index Shopping mogu biti sponzorirani. NOVA kolekcija Ethno Garden, namijenjena ljubiteljima prirodnih…

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Don’t Stop Believing: 29 December 2023

The Daily Merengue is a place where you can feel free to discuss all things football. Do not be alarmed by the overt RMCF bias. It’s in the name! Shoutout to the mods who do a fantastic job, Valyrian Steel, Felipejack, Juninho, NeRObutBlanco and yours truly, Kung_Fu_Zizou A Vote of Confidence ️ Effenberg: “Kroos return?…

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