Koristite li maske u maramici? Možda ih pogrešno stavljate

Pri kreiranju rubrike Index Shopping nastojimo izdvajati odlične proizvode koji se i nama sviđaju te odlične akcije i popuste. Ne objavljujemo proizvode koje i sami ne bismo kupili ili smatramo da njihova promocija nije u skladu s profesionalnim standardima. Neki proizvodi u rubrici Index Shopping mogu biti sponzorirani. MASKE u maramici već su godinama popularne….

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Managing Madrid Podcast: A reaction to Carlo Ancelotti’s renewal, PLUS: Episodes 3 and 4 of the Beckham doc

AUDIO: VIDEO: On this episode of the Managing Madrid Podcast, Kiyan Sobhani and Matt Wiltse discuss: Carlo Ancelotti’s Real Madrid renewal Revisiting the Brazil links in the summer time The length of his renewal Was it the right decision? Explaining what happened last season with Ancelotti in La Liga and the Champions League vs Manchester…

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Coming of age for foldable smartphones

Pros:– Very good design, outstanding build quality– Thickness and weight kept in check, inconspicuous display crease– Brilliant displays – inner and outer both– Powerful processing hardware, ample storage– Fluid and intuitive UI that adjusts seamlessly across displays– Impressive camera performance with a good mix of cameras– Good battery backup for the category– Phone speakers are…

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